Privacy Policy

© Brad Leue/AWC
Policy Statement

AWC尊重并致力于根据《皇冠体育app》(Cth)(《皇冠体育app下载》)和其他保护个人隐私的法律中的澳大利亚隐私原则保护委托给皇冠体育app下载的个人信息. This policy explains how AWC collects, uses, 披露和以其他方式处理与个人有关的个人信息, whether or not they are employees.  它还解释了您可以如何要求访问和更正皇冠体育app下载持有的有关您的个人信息,或投诉任何涉嫌侵犯隐私的行为.  皇冠体育app下载有时会根据这些法律的豁免来处理个人信息,包括《皇冠体育app下载》中适用于非营利组织和员工记录的豁免. 此类豁免下的任何允许处理将优先于本政策.

Purpose & Application


本政策分为几个部分,涉及AWC所接触的各种个人群体,并解释了AWC如何收集, uses, discloses and otherwise handles personal information. 它还解释了您可以如何要求访问和更正皇冠体育app下载持有的有关您的个人信息, opt out of receiving information, or complain about any suspected privacy breach. Nothing in this policy limits any of our other obligations at law.

These groups are:

  • Donor / Supporter
  • Volunteer
  • Prospective employee
  • Employee
  • Contractor / Consultant
  • Director / Officer
  • Website visitor
  • Participants at our events
  • Visitors to our sanctuaries

Click here to download the full privacy policy as it relates to these groups

Everyone who performs work at AWC, including Directors, employees, contractors, consultants, volunteers, interns, students, researchers and any other person contributing to, engaged with, 或代表AWC在接触他人的个人信息时,有义务按照本政策和AWC的隐私义务行事.

Collection of Personal Information

Unsolicited personal information

Where AWC receives unsolicited personal information, 它将在合理的时间内评估它是否可以收集上述信息. 如果是,AWC将遵守有关该个人信息的本政策. If not, AWC将在合理可行且合法合理的情况下,尽快销毁或去识别个人信息.

Sensitive information and health information

“敏感信息”是指有关个人种族或民族出身的个人信息, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual orientation or practice, or criminal record. 敏感信息还包括个人的“健康信息”和一些遗传信息.

“Health information” means personal information about the health or disability (at any time) of an individual; an individual’s expressed wishes about the future provision of health services to him or her; or a health service provided, or to be provided, to an individual. 健康信息还包括有关个体的遗传信息,其形式是, or could be, 预示个体健康或个体遗传亲属的.


  • 在该人同意的情况下,且该等信息对于皇冠体育app下载的一项或多项职能或活动是必要的;
  • where the information relates to the activities of the AWC and also relates solely to the individuals who have regular contact with AWC in connection with its activities; or
  • 皇冠体育app下载是否获法律授权在未经个人同意的情况下收集该等资料.


Anonymity & Pseudonymity

Individuals have the option of not identifying themselves, or of using a pseudonym, when dealing with AWC in relation to a particular matter.

This does not apply if, in relation to that matter:

  • AWC is required or authorised by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to deal with individuals who have identified themselves; or
  • AWC处理没有表明身份或使用假名的个人是不切实际的.
Storage and security of personal information

AWC handles personal information electronically and in hard copy form. In either case, we take reasonable steps to protect against misuse, 干扰和丢失的个人信息以及未经授权的访问, modification or disclosure. AWC只会在满足其业务需要或法律要求所需的时间内保存个人信息. When AWC no longer requires the personal information, 它将采取合理的步骤销毁或永久地去识别个人信息.

If you become aware of any security breach, 请尽快按第18条所载号码联络私隐主任.

Opting Out

By providing us with your contact details, 在您另行通知皇冠体育app下载之前,您同意接收通信和直接教育材料将保持有效. However, you can opt out at any time through the following channels:

  • 邮寄-皇冠体育app-邮政信箱8070,苏比亚科东部,西澳,6008
  • By Email –
  • By telephone – +61 08 9380 9633
  • Through the unsubscribe function on AWC email subscriptions
Quality of Personal Information

AWC采取合理措施确保皇冠体育app下载收集的个人信息, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date. 然而,该信息的准确性在很大程度上取决于您提供的信息.

We recommend that you:

  • let us know if there are any errors in your personal information; and,
  • keep us up-to date with changes to your information


Access to Personal Information

You are able to access your personal information that we hold, with some exceptions as allowed by law. To obtain a copy of your personal information, 向人力资源经理发送书面请求(地址见退出条款), requesting the information and we will provide it to you.  If we refuse your request, or if we refuse to give you access in the manner you requested, AWC的政策是向您提供书面确认,说明皇冠体育app下载拒绝的原因和可用的投诉流程.


If you have a complaint about how AWC has collected, stored or used your personal information, please contact AWC’s head office, via email – 皇冠体育app下载将尽力处理您的投诉,并采取任何必要措施,在10个工作日内对此事作出回应.  All complaints will be handled impartially.

If your complaint is unable to be responded to within 10 business days, AWC将以书面形式通知您,包括告知您皇冠体育app下载预计何时提供回复.

If you are unhappy with our response, 您可以按照网站上的投诉指南向澳大利亚信息专员办公室提出投诉

如果您对AWC持有的您的个人信息或皇冠体育app下载使用或披露这些个人信息的方式有任何疑问,请与AWC联系. Our contact details are set out below.

Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Contact: Privacy Officer
Ph: 08 9380 9633 / Email:
Address: PO Box 8070, Subiaco East, WA, 6008


Click here to download the full privacy policy.