
©布拉德Leue /风能网


Mt. 吉布森
  • 尺寸/面积: 131812公顷
  • 生物区: 雅芳小麦带,雅高
  • 哺乳动物: 39
  • 鸟: 147
  • 爬行动物: 67
  • 两栖动物: 6
  • 威胁野生动物: 12
  • 植物: 664
  • 威胁植物: 10


©布拉德Leue /风能网
©韦恩Lawler /风能网
韦恩Lawler /风能网
©韦恩Lawler /风能网
©韦恩Lawler /风能网
©布拉德Leue /风能网


吉布森山野生动物保护区占地面积巨大,812公顷, 它位于珀斯东北约350公里处,位于巴迪米亚人的传统土地上. The property straddles a botanically rich transition zone between two major botanical provinces, 并保护了令人难以置信的动植物多样性. 该保护区是澳大利亚最雄心勃勃的哺乳动物重新引入项目之一, 涉及到7号的建造和重新放归野外,无野生区838公顷.

吉布森山多变的景观——以摩尔湖为特色, 崎岖的绿岩山脉, 花岗岩山脊和广阔的沙原为各种各样的哺乳动物提供了避难所, 鸟类和爬行动物, 包括濒临灭绝的马leef鸮和西部刺尾龙, 以及隐秘的哺乳动物,比如伍利的拟龙.

The topography and underlying geology of the property are complex and rainfall is extremely variable. 然而,夏天总是很热. 在AWC收购吉布森山之前,它是一个牧羊场, but it was never heavily stocked and the integrity of the soil and vegetation suffered very little damage.

作为在吉布森山进行的哺乳动物重新引入项目的一部分, AWC已经建立了一个7,无野生区838公顷 – the largest cat and fox-free area on mainland WA – into which 10 regionally extinct mammals have been reintroduced. This single property will therefore play a critical role in providing a secure future for nearly 10 per cent of Australia’s nationally threatened mammals.

The property supports some of the last great Wheatbelt stands of magnificent eucalypt woodlands, 以及许多其他稀有和衰落的植被群落, 以及多达30种濒危植物. 到目前为止, 该保护区已确定664种植物, 但这个数字几乎随着每次调查而增加, 现在很可能有700-800个. 保护区里至少有40种桉树. 桉树林地覆盖约60公顷,000公顷(财产的一半), 包括三文鱼, 杜松子酒和约克口香糖.

吉布森山是金合欢的聚集地,到目前为止已经确认了60种金合欢, 其中一些被列为濒危物种. 与西澳公园和野生动物部合作, AWC已经建立了两种最稀有的金合欢的新种群——金合欢(金合欢依)及宁汉金合欢(金合欢unguicula)——在保护区的无草食区培育几百只.

每隔几年, 当大雨在合适的时间出现时, 吉布森山布置了一场生动的花卉展览. 约有25种绿蝇属和海蝇属,至少有20种绿蝇属. 密密麻麻地铺满了五颜六色的花朵(保护区已确认有60种菊科植物), 山坡上长满了桃金娘属的灌木,开着季节性的粉红色和白色的花.


太吉布森 supports a high diversity of wildlife including many birds that have declined significantly in the WA Wheatbelt, 比如马利猫头鹰和米切尔少校的凤头鹦鹉, 以及游隼和澳洲鸨. 小型哺乳动物群包括四种哺乳动物, 两种跳鼠和南宁格伊鼠. 爬行动物社区以标志性的佩尔蒂和多刺魔鬼为特色, 以及一些不太为人所知的物种,比如濒临灭绝的西部刺尾蜥蜴.

Even the invertebrate communities are impressive; on one early biological survey, 南澳大利亚博物馆收集了100多种本地蜜蜂, 这些, 50个物种是科学上的新物种.

然而, 和澳大利亚内陆的大部分地区一样, the region in which 太吉布森 is located has lost a high proportion of its original mammal fauna. Around half of the mammals that were originally found in the Wheatbelt and adjacent arid zone have disappeared as a result of feral predators, 栖息地的丧失和野生食草动物的影响.

吉布森山在扭转这一灭绝趋势方面发挥着关键作用. 到目前为止,已有10个物种被重新引入保护区, 包括大兔耳袋狸, 袋食蚁兽, 带状Hare-wallaby, 威利/刷尾贝通, 鲨鱼湾老鼠, 红尾Phascogale, 大棒巢鼠和西部横斑鼬. 在围栏外,AWC重新引入了刷尾负鼠和丘蒂奇/西部袋鼬.


The primary focus of field programs at 太吉布森 sanctuary has been the establishment of the largest feral cat and fox-free area on mainland WA, 允许一组濒危哺乳动物的重新引入.

野猫和狐狸在澳大利亚西南部的大部分地区密度很高. 在吉布森山的野生动物保护区外, 人们采用了一系列策略来减少野生捕食者的密度, 比如诱饵和射击. 而诱饵可以用来减少狐狸的密度, 对猫没有有效的景观尺度控制. AWC在制定有效的猫类控制战略方面处于领先地位. 野生山羊和兔子是吉普森山围栏外唯一的野生食草动物. 由于专门的射击和诱捕计划,山羊的密度现在很低, 同时减少人工浇水点. 兔子是通过射击、诱捕和撕扯来控制的. 山羊和兔子都需要持续管理.

吉布森山的火灾管理策略旨在防止大面积的火灾, 强烈的野火可以改变林地和灌丛的结构和完整性. Firebreaks have been installed to protect the feral-free area and to break up the property in the event of wildfire. 该物业相对没有杂草, although there are several species that are being progressively removed through a combination of chemical treatment and manual removal.

Scientific data from ecological surveys underlies all of the land management strategies at 太吉布森. 调查工作由生态健康监测计划提供信息. 目前, 调查的重点是重新引入的结果, inside and outside the fence; the consequences of baiting and other control measures for the activity of feral predators outside the fence; and the consequences of establishing a ‘safe haven’ for extant fauna and flora inside and outside the fence.

The establishment of the Neville Tichbon Field Research Station at 太吉布森 has made the sanctuary a hub for scientific activity in the region. It provides a well-equipped base from which AWC ecologists and our scientific partners can examine a range of key issues relating to biodiversity and the restoration of mammal populations, the conservation of the extraordinary flora of southwestern Australia and related issues such as fire management and feral animal control.


The establishment of a large feral-free area at 太吉布森 has enabled the reintroduction of a suite of threatened mammal species. Conservation fencing is the only current strategy which effectively protects susceptible threatened mammals from foxes and cats. 一些哺乳动物已经被重新引入,比如鲨鱼湾土头鼬, the 大棒巢鼠 and the 带状Hare-wallaby – now survive only on offshore (cat-free) islands or within mainland, 坚固的岛屿.

特别设计的防狼围栏长43公里, 建于7年左右,吉布森山上800公顷的最佳栖息地. 栅栏是1.高82米,有裙摆、悬垂和电线. 它花了9个月的时间建造.

The 太吉布森 Wildlife Restoration Project involves the reintroduction of at least 10 regionally extinct mammal species, 其中9种是国家濒危物种. Reintroductions started in September 2015 and include: Greater Bilby (reintroduced between 2016-2018), 袋食蚁兽(2016 - 2018), 刷尾贝通(2015-2018), 西部横斑狼(2017-2019), 红尾Phascogale (2017-2019), 大粘巢鼠(2015-2019), 带状兔-小袋鼠(2017-2018), 鲨鱼湾老鼠(2017-2018), 刷尾负鼠(2021-2022)和西部灰鼬/丘迪奇(2023-24).

吉布森山项目的重要性是巨大的. This single project will deliver a significant increase in nearly 10  per cent of Australia’s threatened mammal species. 一旦达到目标人口数量, 该项目将使全球袋食蚁兽人口增加约24%, 带状野兔小袋鼠的数量减少了56%.

吉布森山项目是有科学依据的. AWC ecologists have conducted a detailed habitat analysis to ensure the right mix of habitats within the feral-free area; have defined reintroduction strategies for highly threatened mammal species; and will be monitoring the health of reintroduced mammal populations.


South32 is providing funding to support AWC’s wildlife conservation project at 太吉布森 Wildlife Sanctuary. South32’s funding will be used to provide financial support for science and ecological health monitoring, conservation and land management operations; and feral animal control at Mount 吉布森.


  • 科学与生态健康监测
  • 保育及土地管理业务
  • 野生动物管制
  • 西塘鼠围栏外迁移(一、二年级)
  • 围篱外移位(二年级)
  • 项目管理


布拉德Leue /风能网


The 大棒巢鼠 is a guinea pig-sized native rodent which builds a large communal home out of sticks and stones.

©Kim Wormald


The Malleefowl is a large ground-dwelling bird and one of only three mound-building bird species in Australia.

©布拉德Leue /风能网


The 带状Hare-wallaby is the sole survivor of an ancient group of kangaroos which included the giant short-faced kangaroos.

对野生动物的威胁 ©风能网


野猫和狐狸造成了澳大利亚哺乳动物数量的大范围减少, 并且是一个严重的持续捕食威胁. Conservation fences are one of the most effective strategies to prevent further extinctions of small and medium sized mammals, as there is currently no landscape-scale control method for feral cats (although AWC is conducting extensive research into potential strategies). Reintroduction projects like the one at 太吉布森 play a critical role in the conservation of Australia’s threatened species.


布拉德Leue /风能网
韦恩Lawler /风能网