Waulinbakh Wildlife Sanctuary

布拉德Leue /风能网


Waulinbakh Wildlife Sanctuary
  • 尺寸/面积: 3970公顷
  • 生物区: 北悉尼盆地
  • 哺乳动物: inventory surveys underway
  • 爬行动物: inventory surveys underway
  • 两栖动物: inventory surveys underway
  • 鸟: inventory surveys underway
  • 植物: inventory surveys underway
  • 威胁野生动物: inventory surveys underway
  • 威胁植物: inventory surveys underway


The new sanctuary is located about 12 kilometres from Stroud on the Mid North Coast of 新南威尔士州. 风能网 manages the sanctuary as part of a conservation agreement with philanthropists and generous long-time 风能网 supporters Andrew and Jane Clifford. The sanctuary protects 3970公顷 of native forest and rich, dense rainforest gullies. These habitats protect a diverse range of threatened and declining species, giving the sanctuary significant conservation value. The sanctuary is located in an area recognised by the 新南威尔士州 Government as being of regional 考拉 significance and is expected to provide a major contribution towards the conservation of the iconic marsupial.

Located in a temperate zone with mild winters and warm summers, reaching an average temperature in the warmer months of between 27 and 28°C. The hottest temperature ever recorded was 46°C in January 2020, whilst the coldest temperature was -1.1994年8月5°C. The rainfall in this area is highly variable with summer dominance. The long-term annual average rainfall is approximately 1,100–1,300 millimetres.

The new sanctuary protects two primary vegetation communities typical of the region, wet and dry sclerophyll forests. The dominant tree species on the property are Sydney Blue Gum (桉树saligna)、Tallowwood (桉树microcorys)、白桃花心木(桉树acmenoides)、灰胶(桉树propinqua)、斑胶(Corymbia maculata)、灰铁树皮(桉树香),以及松节油(Syncarpia glomulifera).

The previous owner’s family purchased the property in 1942 from the Australian Agricultural Company (which founded the town of Stroud in 1826). Small areas of the sanctuary have been impacted by historical logging practices. 2004年至2019年, about two-thirds of the property was harvested for sawlogs (mainly high-value girders and poles) and some pulpwood. There is a dam on the sanctuary and the major creeks appear to hold water year-round, at least in the large pools.


Wildlife at the new sanctuary

From analysis of previous ecological surveys, 历史记录, and publicly available data, 风能网 scientists estimate that the sanctuary likely supports more than 170 vertebrate species, of which 12 are listed as threatened. These threatened species include the Yellow-bellied Glider (Petaurus南极光)、金头蝠(Phoniscus papuensis)、黑凤头鹦鹉(Calyptorhynchus lathami) and the tiny Green-thighed Frog (雨brevipalmata).

The sanctuary provides habitat for many forest-dwelling species that do not currently occur with 风能网’s network of sanctuaries and partnership areas, and opportunities exist to protect and enhance the populations of many species, 包括考拉, an Endangered species in 新南威尔士州.


风能网 field programs at the new sanctuary

风能网’s first priority for the sanctuary is to undertake biodiversity surveys to commence building a species inventory of the sanctuary. These data will inform the delivery of conservation land management actions and research, and will provide an important baseline against which we can measure ecological outcomes.

布拉德Leue /风能网


黑莓(极为) – a Weed of National Significance (WoNS) ¬ is present on the sanctuary. The woody perennial shrub is native to Europe and grows in thickets to form a dense canopy that few plants can successfully compete with. Blackberry invades native bushland and provides habitat for rabbits and 狐狸. 马樱丹属(马樱丹属卡马拉)及杂草(狗舌草madagascariensis) – both WoNS – are also found on the sanctuary, particularly on lower slopes in wet and dry sclerophyll forested areas.

Low-density grazing by domestic cattle is ongoing, particularly in the western half of the property. Four introduced species have been recorded on the sanctuary and are a potential threat to native biodiversity: feral cats, 狐狸, rabbits and the common myna. Wild Dogs have also been recorded in the area.

Wildlife protected at this Sanctuary



Fire management and feral predator control help to protect glider populations on 风能网 sanctuaries and partnership sites.

©Ethan Brooke


考拉s inhabit eucalypt forests and woodlands in eastern Australia from north Queensland through to south-east South Australia.

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